Julian Genn LLB

Managing Director

Julian started his career in recruitment back in 2004 and has a wealth of experience across recruitment and client partnerships.

He was new to the industry when he started with WorkPac as a Recruitment Coordinator based in Brisbane. He continued to develop his skill set as he progressed into various roles including Recruitment Team Leader, Business Development Manager and Business Centre Manager.

During his time with WorkPac, he established ongoing business relationships with leading companies in Civil/Construction, Electrical and Manufacturing in Brisbane. 

Cliff White

National Business Manager

Based in Perth, Cliff heads up the sales team as the National Business Manager.  Cliff has previously worked as a Director and mentor for multiple not-for-profit Aboriginal organisations. His passion and experience is connecting Aboriginal businesses, and in turn this has had a positive effect on Indigenous job opportunities.

Cliff has experience working within a registered training organisation with a focus on student outcomes. He also has experience in management consultation, mentoring, team building, professional development, strategic implementation, and company collaboration.

Kristel Pearson

Relationship Manager - Northern Region

Kristel has connections to the Torres strait through her mothers line and kin ties to Wuthathi throughout Lockhart River. 

Her career pathway started as a Cadet with Act for Kids & Child Safety before moving to Native Title to work closer with mob at the Cape York Land Council for 5 years. Kristel then ventured into State and Local Government work refining her Executive and corporate skillset for a further 7 years before having the opportunity to experience the Civil & mining sector in a management capacity. 

Kristel is extremely excited and proud to be able to return to the workspace with mob to share and provide support for greater outcomes. 

Kristel is a strong advocate for Mental Health & suicide Prevention with experience of delivering Stronger Smarter Yarns throughout QLD within communities.

Lisa Wallis

Accounts Manager - WA

Lisa’s most recent experience is working for Royal Lifesaving Society of WA coordinating on country cultural identity and knowledge programs, combined with aquatic qualifications for Aboriginal and Non-Aboriginal young people.

She implemented these programs within schools, Department of Communities, Police and Department of Justice.  The programs achieved great results both culturally and aquatically.

Lisa also runs all aspects of very successful election campaigns, have a long history of working with Local, State and Federal Governments representing community groups.

Lisa is super keen to put all this experience together to help expand JobTrail in Western Australia.

Shannon Fraser

National Administration Manager – QLD

Shannon’s most recent experience comes from working in Procurement with Indigenous businesses in the Mining sector.  She has a variety of skills working within Government, Education, companies in the resource industry, as well as running her own business.

She is a proud Gangalu woman, who is very passionate and excited to be working with a team that shares the same values and views around helping and supporting mob succeed.

Shannon is looking forward to bringing her skills, knowledge and passion to the team to help work towards JobTrail’s growth and success.


Please note: Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people should be aware that this website may contain images, voices or names of deceased persons in photographs, film, audio recordings or printed material.